What is Chiropractic?

The art of Chiropractic is a branch of healing, which focuses on human health and processes of disease. That being said, Doctors of Chiropractic regard people as integrated beings and so in their practice, they pay particular mind to physiological and biochemical aspects of this being, including structural, spinal, musculoskeletal, neurological, vascular, nutritional, emotional and environmental. With careful analysis of the combination of all of those aspects, Chiropractors can help individuals manage their pain and in turn, have a greater positive effect on their overall health.

What does treatment involve?

Treatment consists of a wide range of manipulative techniques designed to improve the function of the joints, relieving pain and muscle spasm. The actual physical execution of Chiropractic treatment involves adjustment and manipulation of the body's joints and soft tissues by hand. The word Chiropractic comes from the Greek words "praxis" meaning "to use" and "chiro" meaning "hand". While Chiropractic manipulation is generally thought of as treatment directed to the spinal column, Dr. Tetuán is also trained to apply specialized myofascial therapies to the muscles and soft tissues, rehabilitation and manipulation all over the body.

I'm nervous about being treated. How can I alleviate my anxiety prior to my appointment?

Patients who are apprehensive about receiving chiropractic adjustments are very quickly put at ease in our clinic. Dr. Tetuán utilizes several methods of manipulative therapy and can accommodate any concerns, special needs or preferences our new patients (who may or may not be new to chiropractic) may have. Please feel free to contact us with your questions and concerns. We are happy to address them prior to your appointment! 

What insurance coverage does Dr. Tetuán accept?

Dr. Tetuán is a preferred provider for the following insurance companies:

- Regence - Blue Cross Blue Shield - Anthem
- Aetna
- Premera
- Uniform Medical
- Alternare
- First Choice
- Labor & Industries Claims
- Medicare
- United Healthcare
- Secure Horizons
- Pacificare

**Cigna (Out of Network)- We will be happy to bill your Cigna insurance, most insurance companies have out of network benefits.  Please call our office and talk to our team if you have further questions regarding Cigna.  

** If “Aetna Medicare” is Primary no coverage, this Only Applies to Medicare Patients

I was involved in an auto accident. How am I covered?

If you were involved in an auto accident, your auto insurance or the third party auto insurance will cover your care.

My insurance company is not listed above. Will my care still be covered?

If you have any questions about your Chiropractic care coverage, please feel free to call our office at (425) 455-3300 and we would be happy to check your benefits with Dr. Tetuán for you.