What does the DMS® do?
Much of muscle pain stems from various conditions, strain, lactic acid build up, scar tissue, etc. The DMS® uses percussion, mechanical vibrations that reach deep into the muscle tissue to stimulate proprioceptive functions. No other device on the market matches the effectiveness of the DMS®.

What are the benefits of DMS®?
The DMS® provides deep muscle tissue with kinetic forms of percussion and concussion vibration, which in turn facilitates the patient or athlete with the benefits of:

  • Increased circulation
  • Reduced pain
  • Faster rehabilitation from injury
  • Increased lymphatic flow
  • Break up of muscular scar tissue
  • Reduced lactic acid build up
  • Tissue Regeneration
  • Soft & Active tissue release

What kind of issues does DMS® address?
The DMS® also concentrates on general or local muscle spasms. It increases muscle metabolism and increases the lactic acid cycle to relieve pain. Deep, rapid, short-duration percussion is the key to the elimination of pain. The DMS® can be used in effective management of acute and chronic pain, not exclusive to, but including: migraine headaches, sciatica, TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, edema, myofascial pain and frozen joints.

The DMS® is known to increase the circulation of blood and flow of lymph. The direct mechanical effect of rhythmical pressure and movement used in this method can dramatically increase the rate of blood flow. The stimulation of nerve receptors causes the blood vessels to dilate, which also facilitates blood flow.

The DMS® can help loosen contracted, shortened muscles and can stimulate weak, flaccid muscles. This muscle “balancing” can help posture and promote more efficient movement. DMS® is also being used for Integrated Manual Therapy and Musculoskeletal Dysfunction.

How does DMS® aid in the injury healing process?
The DMS® also aids recovery from soft tissue injuries such as sprains and strains. This is possible because the growth and repair of tissue are accelerated by efficient circulation in the injured areas and appropriate stimulation of the healing tissues.

What are the long-term impacts of DMS®?
It is possible to do more exercise and training, which in the long run strengthens muscle and improves conditioning. The DMS® also provides a gentle stretching action to both the muscles and connective tissues that surround and support the muscles and many other parts of the body, which helps keep these tissues elastic.